Achieve sustainable breakthrough change
through applied systems thinking.
We partner with you for sustainable change.
Our signature approach integrates systems thinking, character development, and sustainable work practices for real-world social change.
Our services enable systems change leaders to:

Learn about the accessible principles, frameworks, and tools of applied systems thinking.

Shift a stuck system by identifying and implementing high-leverage interventions.

Build the organizational capacity to apply systems thinking on an ongoing basis.
Discover the next best step for you.
In our 30-minute complimentary consultation call, we listen to your presenting issue and goals, and work together to determine your next best step.
Empowering you with the foundations of systems thinking.
Learn the basic principles, frameworks, and tools of applied systems thinking through workshops ranging from one-half to three days in length.
We have recently designed and delivered workshops for the following clients:
- Mobius Leadership: three-day workshop for global management consultants on applying systems thinking to leverage organizational change.
- Nevada National Guard: one-day workshops introducing systems thinking to the Human Resources department.
- Operate DK: half-day workshop on leading systems change for Danish management consulting firm.

“The unique part of David and Marilyn’s workshop was the interweaving of strategy and character. It became clear participating in the program that I as the leader had as much inner work to do on my values and motivation as I did on the ‘how’ of systems change. The combination of the two yields exponential results.”
Nancy Ortberg | Chief Executive Officer, TBC
Driving systemic change where it’s needed most.
Shift a stuck system by working with us and your key stakeholders to identify and implement high-leverage interventions. Shifting a system includes just-in-time learning about how complex social systems behave and change.
We have recently completed systems change projects for the following clients:
- Cool Petaluma: clarifying strategic priorities and action plan for a rapidly growing community-driven climate action organization.
- The Nature Conservancy: enabling the organization to make key breakthroughs on a range of large systems change projects that include increasing the breadth and impact of the organization’s transformational climate policy work, preventing wildfires, and conserving tropical landscapes.
- U.S. Army: identifying the root causes of increasing suicides in the Army and the high-leverage interventions required to reduce them.

“I learned so much, particularly the difference between changing a system and leading systems change.”
Jennifer Schrand Bentley | Chair, Calhoun County 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness
Creating sustainable change from within.
Build your organization’s capacity to apply systems thinking with little or no assistance from us. Building your capacity involves in-depth learning about the principles and disciplines of leading systems change through applying them in real-time to complex, chronic problems in your organization.
The following clients have developed internal capacity in applied systems thinking:
- EON Consulting – specializing in technology and business management
- The Nature Conservancy
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
“David and Mike have helped our executives and program managers build their ability to apply systems thinking to meet some of our most pressing internal and external challenges. Perhaps most importantly, they have provided us with the skills we need to carry this critical work forward without them.”
Michael tetreault | Chief People Officer, The Nature Conservancy
Discover the next best step for you.
In our 30-minute complimentary consultation call, we listen to your presenting issue and goals, and work together to determine your next best step.