Change the Systems to Change the World.
Bridgeway Partners is a premier consulting firm that partners with mission-centered organizational leaders committed to advancing social and environmental transformation.
We help them do so wisely and sustainably.

Make sustainable breakthrough change.
The communities, organizations, and leaders we work with succeed because they realize one clear principle: Systems change begins with re-examining your intentions, thinking, relationships, and actions.
Define the gap,
determine the leverage, and develop the pace.

Making sustainable shifts around chronic, complex problems takes patience and persistence. The thriving organizations we work with analyze the multiple systems and dynamics at play. They willingly develop the character traits that systems change requires. They adjust work rhythms, relationships, and habits to foster sustainable energy. Change occurs at multiple levels: system-wide, organizational, and individual.
What if you could make sustainable change both within your organization and in the part of the world it serves? What if you could do so with concrete results and not abstract theories?
Learn how we can partner with you.
Discover the next best step for you.
In our 30-minute complimentary consultation call, we listen to your presenting issue and goals.
We aim for sustainable change.
Enduring solutions require perspective, patience, courage, and partnership. Our dynamic team’s signature approach applies systems thinking, character development, and energetic recalibration for real-world social change.
We partner with foundation directors, social entrepreneurs, public policy makers, municipal leaders, and corporate division heads committed to social and environmental justice.

We are experienced partners in catalyzing high-leverage systems change.

Co-founder & Principal David Stroh, author of Systems Thinking for Social Change, is internationally renowned for enabling leaders to apply systems thinking to achieve breakthroughs around chronic, complex problems and to develop strategies that improve system-wide performance over time.
Co-founder & Principal Marilyn Paul, author of An Oasis in Time, is known for guiding organizations to reflect upon current work practices so they can recalibrate their energy, pace their work activity wisely, and build coalitions that last.
Together they mobilize high-leverage leadership for social change.
“Your work is very needed, beautifully articulated, and clear as a bell.”
Meg Wheatley | President, The Berkana InstituteWe are constantly learning with you.
We have created substantial resources for leaders poised for sustainable change.