
Leverage your leadership for social and environmental change.

Bridgeway Partners is a premier consulting firm that partners with mission-centered organizational leaders committed to advancing social and environmental transformation.

We help them do so wisely and sustainably.

See beyond “fast & more” to sustainable results.

We’ve seen homeless shelters complicate homelessness and economic initiatives exacerbate economic inequity.

We’ve seen well-intentioned leaders run too many initiatives at once, only to slow down their progress. We have worked with idealistic organizations that have implemented short-term fixes that contributed to the very problem they were trying to solve.

We’ve seen mission-driven leaders leave out key stakeholders, undermining community momentum.

Yet we’ve also helped resolve each of these organizations’ chronic—and often invisible—systemic problems.

A Professional Man with Glasses

The problem is not necessarily about a lack of resources or ideas.

The real problem is often about perspective, trust, skills, and pacing.

It might sound counterintuitive, but the communities, organizations, and leaders who resolve chronic problems slow down before they accelerate sustainable change.

You can change the world.

But real change requires an approach that foregrounds sustainability over speed, and wisdom over workaholism.

The people and planet you serve deserve that kind of approach.

A Diverse Groups of Four Professionals Having a Conversation

We partner with you for sustainable change.

Enduring solutions require perspective, patience, courage, and partnership. Our dynamic team’s signature approach applies systems thinking, character development, and energetic recalibration for real-world social change.

We believe real change includes character development.

Social change requires us to look at how our own patterns contribute to the problems we want to solve. Real change asks us to get out of our own way.
Social change invites us to ask genuine questions, learn what we didn’t know we needed to learn, and stay on the learning edge of an ever-changing world.
Social change asks us not only to have conviction but also the courage to take wise risks and build collaborations where before we’ve only seen conflict.
Real change demands we keep resisting the quick fixes to chronic problems.
Shared Responsibility
Real change challenges us to go beyond blame or shame and instead to seek a shared commitment and alliance to keep growing ourselves and our organization so we can improve the part of the world we’re committed to. As true partners with our clients, we are with you in that shared responsibility for delivering real results.

We enable multi-stakeholder groups and large organizations to achieve sustainable breakthroughs around chronic, complex problems.

We enable organizations and leaders to effect real change through capacity building in applied systems thinking and systems change leadership.

Together they mobilize high-leverage leadership for social change.

“Your work provided an actionable guide on how to model complex relationships – and more importantly how to have a meaningful and lasting impact on them.”

Jason Glass | Superintendent &
Chief Learner, Eagle County Schools

Meet Our Team

Partners in sustainable visions, deep growth, results-centered strategy, and actionable plans.

David Peter Stroh Headshot
David Peter Stroh

Founder & Principal, Elegant Distiller of Complex Problems, “Magician” in Applied Systems Thinking

David is devoted to effecting lasting change within mission-centered leaders and organizations. Author of the best-selling book Systems Thinking for Social Change: A Practical Guide to Solving Complex Problems, Avoiding Unintended Consequences, and Achieving Lasting Results (Chelsea Green Publishing), David co-founded with Peter Senge one of the first firms to apply systems thinking to learning organizations.

Clients have described him as a “magician” who possesses “the mind of a scientist and the heart of a healer.”

Committed to excellence, David assures Bridgeway Partners’s clients not only get results but that they also get real change they might not have even known they wanted.

David also was a National Science Foundation Fellow at MIT, where he earned an M.A. in City Planning after graduating summa cum laude with degrees in Civil Engineering and Urban Studies from the University of Michigan.

Connect with David on LinkedIn

Marilyn Paul, Ph.D.

Co-founder & Principal, Idea Engine, Energy Leverager, Growth Catalyzer

Marilyn is devoted to gaining results that build leaders’ and team’s character and capacity for sustainable change. She draws from her extensive research in organizational science, time management and energy management to help teams slow down their work pace long enough to discover new working systems that lead to real and lasting change.

She brings her genuine passion for deep connection and forward-thinking vision to every project Bridgeway Partners takes on. She has served on faculties at Yale Medical School, Colby College, and Hebrew University of Public Health.

Author of An Oasis in Time (Rodale Books) and It’s Hard to Make a Difference When You Can’t Find Your Keys (Penguin Compass), Marilyn has a Ph.D. from the Yale School of Organization and Management and an M.B.A. from Cornell.

Connect with Marilyn on LinkedIn

Marilyn Paul Headshot
Marilyn Paul Headshot
Marilyn Paul, Ph.D.
Co-founder & Principal, Idea Engine, Energy Leverager, Growth Catalyzer Marilyn is devoted to gaining results that build leaders’ and team’s character and capacity for sustainable change. She draws from her extensive research in organizational science, time management and energy management to help teams slow down their work pace long enough to discover new working systems that lead to real and lasting change. She brings her genuine passion for deep connection and forward-thinking vision to every project Bridgeway Partners takes on. She has served on faculties at Yale Medical School, Colby College, and Hebrew University of Public Health. Author of An Oasis in Time (Rodale Books) and It’s Hard to Make a Difference When You Can’t Find Your Keys (Penguin Compass), Marilyn has a Ph.D. from the Yale School of Organization and Management and an M.B.A. from Cornell.

Connect with Marilyn on LinkedIn


Michael Goodman
A fellow pioneer in applied systems thinking, Michael designs and delivers training sessions, coaches, and works with strategic leadership teams to identify the leverage points critical to resolving chronic problems. An internationally recognized speaker, author, and systems thinker practitioner, Michael holds two Master’s Degrees from MIT.

Diane Johnson, Ph.D., M.Div
Diane is committed to helping stakeholders engage in organizational change that results in effective solutions to once-intractable problems. She brings her expertise on achieving organizational vision, designing and implementing leadership programs, and executive coaching. Diane received her Ph.D. from Tufts University in Interdisciplinary Studies, a Masters in Divinity from Pacific School of Religion/The Graduate Theological Union, her M.A. in Nonprofit Management from the New School, and a B.A. in Communications from The Annenberg School at the University of Pennsylvania.

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